APG|SGA offers new Programmatic Digital Out of Home campaigns with 18 predefined target groups
In order to achieve clients’ communication goals even more efficiently and successfully, APG|SGA, Switzerland’s leading Out of Home advertising company, has launched a data-driven offer for DOOH campaign optimisation. At launch, 18 different target groups will be available for advertisers’ Programmatic Digital Out of Home (PDOOH). Advertisers can use this additional opportunity to address their potential target groups even more individually. For example, school pupils, students, winter or summer athletes, and health, art, culture or travel enthusiasts can be selected according to movement patterns. The advertisement is then broadcast at the right time and place on the APG|SGA ePanels and eBoards.
The 18 target groups are defined via a database from the Intervista Footprint Panel. The panel, which is representative of the Swiss population, comprises 4,000 people who have installed the research app Footprints Research on their smartphones and have given their consent to the use of their data for research purposes. The app continuously records locations and routes, and the movement data of the panellists are linked to the locations of the APG|SGA ePanels and eBoards. Since the data is available on an hourly basis, the APG|SGA can, for example, identify on which screens and at which times certain target groups are over- and under-represented. Advertisers can thus reach their target group even more individually and precisely.
Michael Pevec, Head of Programmatic DOOH & aymo Mobile Targeting, states: “The 18 predefined target groups have already proved their worth at aymo Mobile Targeting. We are now deliberately using the same target groups for Programmatic Digital Out of Home. In this way, we increase the relevance of the programmatic campaign while our customers can now use aymo Mobile Targeting and Programmatic Digital Out of Home together with the same setting, thus benefiting from a double impact.”
Targeting for the 18 target groups can be booked immediately.