
An impressive statement on rails

Become part of the best rail infrastructure in the world and put your advertising message in the limelight. Strengthen your brand with an impressive appearance and benefit from a sustainable image transfer. 

Here you can find everything at a glance

Outstanding visibility
The FullWrap of a locomotive is an exceptional way to exclusively showcase your company.

Sustainable statement
Ecology always plays an important role. Show how your company stands towards sustainable means of transport.

Powerful advertising effect
A locomotive is a powerful traction engine and transfers this power also to your advertising message.



SBB passenger locomotives

Potential reach of advertising

An advertising locomotive can be seen by up to a million people per day.
Around 450,000 GA Travelcards and 2,340,000 Half Fare Travelcards are in circulation.

SBB passenger locomotives operate in national long-distance traffic.

Advertising rate 
CHF 240 000 per year

Cost of production
SBB passenger locomotives approx. CHF 80 000 (guide price; varies depending on specific execution)

More performance values

Kilometres covered (as a guide)
285 000 km per year (corresponds to approx. seven times around the world)

The minimum booking period is one year (locomotive in operation 365 days)

Technical data
Length: 18.5 m, height: 4.3 m
Vehicle surface area: 80 m² on each side
Advertising area = vehicle surfaces minus window surfaces and surfaces for legally required notices

Production lead time
Production takes around four months from planning to rollout

Click here for templates and specifications


Explore further ways to communicate your message on advertising locomotives and appeal to your target audience. Some ideas are provided below. We will be happy to advise you in person and recommend suitable measures.

Making of
Document the creation of your advertising locomotive with videos and photos that can also be used in your communication measures.

Launch ceremony
Organise a launch ceremony with employees, partners, customers and the media, and present your advertising locomotive for the first time on a platform or in an industrial setting.

Rollout and in motion
Offer exclusive insights and perspectives with videos and photos of the rollout and your advertising locomotive in motion throughout the year.

Cab rides
Offer rides in the cab as giveaways or competition prizes. Two people can ride in the cab of your locomotive for half a day, offering them an insight into a typical working day of a train driver and letting them experience the speed and technology up close.

Special rides
Hire one or more carriages for special occasions – the maiden voyage of the advertising locomotive with media representatives, or an employee or customer event. Rent a carriage or two as an interesting setting for a seminar or workshop, for example, and travel to a beautiful location at the same time.

Get people talking about your advertising locomotive with competitions. For example, you could ask your customers to guess how many kilometres the advertising locomotive has already covered (the figure is reported to you each month). Or ask your customers to post their selfies with your advertising locomotive on social media, and hold a special event to award prizes for the best ones.

Other possibilities
Combine your message on the advertising locomotive with RailPosters inside the carriages, or have mini advertising locomotives produced in H0 scale (1:87) to sell or give away. We will be happy to advise you and recommend specific measures to suit your needs.

Advertising train options
An advertising locomotive offers you too little space for your advertising message? We would be happy to advise you on the implementation of an entire advertising train.


Success stories

Schindler AG

Creative examples

The sequence of pictures shows creative reference examples of passenger.

Andreas Steltzlen
Head of Transport Advertising
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