Outdoor advertising remains highly popular.
For many people in Switzerland, poster advertising is simply a part of the cityscape. For years now, out of home media has rated as highly popular in surveys. The majority of people see outdoor advertising as a useful and entertaining source of information.
Advertising channel with the highest benefit

Question: «How useful would you say the following advertising channels are for you personally?»
Source: INNOFACT AG, Zurich, August 2017, Omnibus online survey, German-/French-speaking Switzerland,
n = 1028 individuals aged between 15 and 74, Top 2 mentions in a scale of 1 to 4
It is precisely the fact that people encounter the same campaign at multiple points in their day’s journey that inspires feelings of closeness and positivity. Remember – the same message has a different impact on observers depending on the medium. Out of home media manages the balancing act of combining popularity with interest in its content.
Advertising interest

Question: «In general terms, how interesting do you find the following channels?» (Scale from 5 = highly interesting to 1 = somewhat uninteresting)
Source: Marketagent.com Schweiz AG, Zurich, May 2017, Share of top 2 mentions in % of respondents (base = 1173 individuals)