
APG|SGA organisation and management.


APG|SGA ensures seamless geographical coverage of the entire country through a decentralised organisational structure. The operational headquarters are located in Zurich. With 17 locations, APG|SGA handles customer care locally, with services from a single source.


Addresses and contact


Together, the six members of the Board of Directors and management consisting of the seven company managers form the streamlined, experienced pinnacle of leadership for the APG|SGA Group. The principles and rules that govern the management and supervision of the APG|SGA Group are set forth in the articles of incorporation, the organisational regulations of the Board of Directors, and the regulations of the Executive Committees.

Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors

In line with the articles of incorporation, the APG|SGA AG Board of Directors is comprised of three to seven members who are selected by the Annual General Meeting individually and for a term of one year each. The Board decides on all matters entrusted to it by the law, by the articles of incorporation, and by the company regulations.

Dr. Daniel Hofer

Dr. Daniel Hofer


Xavier Le Clef

Xavier Le Clef


Stéphane Prigent

David Bourg

Dr. Maya Bundt

Dr. Maya Bundt


Jolanda Grob

Jolanda Grob

Markus Scheidegger

Markus Scheidegger



The Board of Directors has delegated the management of ongoing business to the management board under the leadership of the CEO. The management board is responsible for all business that is not reserved for another corporate body by law, the Articles of Incorporation or the organizational rules of the Board of Directors.


Markus Ehrle

Markus Ehrle

CEO Chief Executive Officer

Beat Hermann

Nico Benz-Müller

CFO Finance

Andy Bürki

Andy Bürki

Advertising Market

Claudia Fischbacher

Claudia Fischbacher

Human Resources

Beat Holenstein

Dr. Dominik Franke

Information Technology

Christian Gotter

Christian Gotter

Logistics & Operations

Beat Holenstein

Beat Holenstein

Marketing & Partner Market




Tara Burkhard
Assistant to the CEO & Executive Board