
The Swiss population travels more by train than ever before


The new quarterly report on transport performance in Switzerland shows why mobility is more than ever one of the current megatrends.

Never before has the measured demand for rail passenger transport been as high as in the second quarter of 2023: The 5.64 billion passenger kilometers are above the already very strong previous quarter and exceed the previous absolute peak from the third quarter of 2019.


Record quarter for rail passenger transport

Grafik öV-Boom IT

Source: www.litra.ch


With APG|SGA's digital and analog forms of advertising, advertisers are directly with the people in these highly frequented public meeting spaces. This offers them tremendous potential for increasing reach and awareness, especially among commuters and younger target groups that are difficult to reach with advertising.


APG|SGA commissioned a comprehensive study at intervista to analyze the effectiveness of indoor train advertising more precisely.

The results of this extensive market research impressively confirm the success of Swisscom's campaign on RailPosters. The data clearly show that RailPosters generate high reach and have a strong advertising impact among passengers.

Flyer Swisscom

Formats in the train and station



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