
Data privacy statement

1.    Introduction
2.    Personal data
3.    When do we collect personal data?
4.    What personal data is collected?
5.    Cookies
6.    Consent to cookies/opt-in
7.    Deleting cookies and surf history
8.    Third-party services
9.    Rights related to personal data
10.   Data security
11.  Data controller
12.  Transferring personal data
13.  Duration of data storage
14.  Contact information
15.  Final provisions


1.    Introduction

APG|SGA AG (hereafter referred to as ‘APG|SGA’ or ‘we’) relies on open and transparent interaction, even where data protection is concerned. We abide by data protection legislation and make every effort to handle personal data with care. This data privacy statement serves to provide you with information about how we handle personal data.

For the data protection notice for apps with integrated APG|SGA functions, please refer to this separate  data privacy notice

2.    Personal data

‘Personal data’ includes all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. In this data privacy statement, when we use the term ‘processing’, we mean any handling of personal data. This includes, for example:

  • collecting,
  • storing, 
  • managing, 
  • using,
  • transmitting,
  • publishing or
  • deleting personal data

We only ask for personal information where it it necessary in order to provide our own services and handle transactions enacted with APG|SGA, and where it allows us to offer our customers and partners better service. 

3.    When do we collect personal data?

We collect your personal data whenever we have contact with you, which can be both online as well as routine personal contact. For example, we collect personal information in the following circumstances:
-    You are a business partner (partner, customer, supplier);
-    You apply for a place as an intern, apprentice or employee;
-    You visit our online services (see item 5ff.);
-    You receive a newsletter or participate in a contest;
-    You participate in market research or a survey;;
-    You communicate with us on special occasions, such as farm festival, poster night, general meeting, etc.

4.    What personal data is collected?

The personal data collected varies as much as the circumstances under which we collect data, for example:

  • Name and first name

  • Gender

  • Date of birth and age

  • Address

  • Phone number

  • E-mail address

  • Marketing data such as requirements, wishes, preferences

APG|SGA avoids the processing of personal data that is of an especially sensitive nature, and therefore especially worthy of protection, as much as possible - e.g. concerning your political opinion, your religious and philosophical beliefs, your union affiliation, your health, your sex life, or your race. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that personal information you provide on a voluntary basis (such as submitting a CV to apply for a position) may be saved.

5.    Cookies

To adapt our website to user requests and make your surfing experience as convenient as possible, we use ‘cookies’. A cookie is a small text file that is copied from a website to your hard drive. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer or contain any viruses. The cookies we use do not store any personal data.

6.   Consent to cookies/opt-in

The use of cookies requires your express permission.

7.    Deleting cookies and surf history

You can opt against the use of cookies at any time by deleting the cookies set by APG|SGA online services. This can be done by deleting the cookies or surf history via the settings in your internet browser. If you opt against the use of cookies, this prevents your settings and preferences from being stored, which means that these will have to be entered again each time. Likewise, data related to your behaviour can only be collected to a limited extent or not at all.

8.    Third-party services

We make use of the services of various service providers and partners (third parties), whereby your data will also be processed by these companies where necessary. We require our third party providers to handle the personal data they receive according to APG|SGA’s data privacy statement. In particular, we use the services of Google Inc. and Facebook on our websites. We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc., as a tracking system. More information about Google Analytics can be found at https://support.google.com/analytics

Among other measures, we use Google Inc’s reCAPTCHA service to protect your orders. The request serves to discern whether the entry is made by a person or improperly by automatic machine processing More information about Google’s data protection guidelines can be found at https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/ 

Our website uses social plug-ins (‘plug-ins’) for the social network facebook.com, which is operated by Facebook Inc. (‘Facebook’). Plug-ins are marked with the Facebook logo or the phrase ‘Facebook social plug-in’.

More information about this can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanatio

APG|SGA’s online services may also include links to third-party websites. APG|SGA does not make any guarantees or provide any warranty regarding these websites. It is expected that the owners and operators of these third-party websites may collect, use or share personal data under other circumstances than AGP|SGA. For further information, we recommend consulting their hosts or referring to their data protection guidelines.

9.    Rights related to personal data

You can assert your data protection rights at any time. You have the right to request information about the data that has been collected and processed about you. You can request that it be modified or deleted. 

To do this, please e-mail us at data.protection@apgsga.ch 

10.    Data security

We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect data from unauthorised processing. 

11.    Data controller

We are legally obligated to disclose to you the data controller of your personal data. The data controller is APG|SGA AG.

12.    Transferring personal data

Except for the use stated under ‘8. Dienste Dritter‘, we will not transfer any personal data to third parties. This does not include transfer prescribed by law or ordered by judicial ruling.

13.    Duration of data storage

Data will be kept as long as is necessary to provide our services or as obliged by law. 

14.    Contact information

APG|SGA’s contact information in relation to data protection is as follows:

Data protection
Giesshübelstrasse 4
8045 Zurich

You can also send e-mails related to data protection to the following address:  data.protection@apgsga.ch 

15.    Final provisions

The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this data privacy statement is Zurich.  However, APG|SGA is entitled to prosecute you in the respective court of your place of residence or business, or in any other competent court. 
The data privacy statement is subject to Swiss law. If there are loopholes in this data privacy statement or individual provisions are invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions in this data privacy statement. The invalid/void provision shall be replaced by one that is legally permissible and comes the closest to the meaning originally intended.

APG|SGA expressly reserves the right to modify this data privacy statement. Modifications will be published promptly on the respective website. Your consent to changes will be gathered where necessary. 

Zürich, 15.05.2018