
ePoster Gallery 1/2022

Animal attributes

The tendency to assign human characteristics to other living beings is shown in all the poster categories. On the posters shown, the animals often take the leading role, or at least an important supporting role. In the promotional slogan, the presumed character traits of the animal in question are linked, more or less directly, with a product, an event or a political message. Mischievous, playful, anthropomorphised or provoking disgust – the animals are put centre stage on the posters presented here. They often address us, the viewer, directly, enthusiastically recommend the product to us and try to reach us emotionally.

Here we talk to Nico Lazúla, archivist for the poster collection at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, in a brief interview.

The exhibition opens with a butterfly advertising sun cream. What’s the background to this?

At the start of the 20th century, tanned skin was still associated with the stigma of working on the land, and therefore looked down upon. It wasn’t until industrialisation took hold that copious amounts of sunbathing became popular. A paradigm shift took place in relation to suntanned skin, and the cosmetic industry reacted to the dangers of sunbathing with products like Hamol Ultra. The butterfly in this advertisement represents bliss, pleasure and the warmer time of year.


Animals are frequently chosen as a subject for poster design. Why is that?

The character traits associated with the animals elicit a response from viewers according to the «attract or repel» principle. Basically, they rely on the cuteness factor. It’s even got a name – «cute marketing». The aim is to elicit positive feelings in the potential customers and encourage them to purchase the product or take action.

To emphasise the message, animals are also often used in political posters, whether they are used as a symbol, such as the greedy, repugnant rat with no regard for law, order and property, or the many-armed octopus, which, in a poster by Exem, has become the symbol of threatening and destructive capitalism.


Does the snarling bulldog represent a counter-example of this «cute marketing»?

This image, which suggests that the blood-red bulldog is about to attack the next person it comes across, is really unusual and is a clear counter-example. This poster by Thomas Theodor Heine from 1896 does not make it immediately clear, either from the picture or from the text, what it’s advertising.

Simplicissimus was a weekly satirical, combative magazine launched at the end of the 19th century, which mirrored the tendencies of the time and criticised the hypocritical bourgeois morals of state and church power.

Hamol Ultra
Design: Viktor Rutz
Posting date: 1942
Lutteurs - Mein neues Hemd
Design: Herbert Berthold Libiszewski
Posting date: around 1945
Design: Niklaus Stoecklin
Posting date: 1944
Schon jedes fünfte Kind ist zu dick.
Design: Jung von Matt/Limmat AG
Posting date: 2008
Schauspielhaus Zürich - Zweg Nase nach Wilhelm Hauff
Design: Velvet Creative Office GmbH
Posting date: 2011
Summer School - Weiterbildung in Kunst und Design
Design: Samuel Marty, Markus Junker
Posting date: 2020
<Schmusekater_16> Bisch single? Würd dich gern nöcher kännelernä! Eine Kampagne der Stadt Zürich gegen sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Internet.
Design: The PR factory
Posting date: 2008
Design : Kern & Bosshard
Posting date: 1948
Zwicky Nähseide
Design: Donald Brun
Posting date: 1953
Olma - 76. Schweizer Messe für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung
Design : Vitamin 2 AG / Dominic Rechtsteiner
Posting date: 2018
Eine starke Partnerschaft für nachhaltigen Handel. Ja zum Abkommen mit Indonesien
Design: Anonym
Posting date: 2021
Hotel Beau Rivage - Interlaken
Design: Alex Walter Diggelmann
Posting date: 1935
Kunstgewerbemuseum Stadt Zürich - Plakatwettbewerbe - Ausstellung
Design: Paul Imhof
Posting date: 1916
Design: Thomas Theodor Heine
Posting date: 1896
Gevaert Film
Design: Donald Brun
Posting date: 1947
Elnapress - Nie mehr bügeln
Design: McCann-Erickson AG
Posting date: 1996
Schwarzhändler sind Volksschädlinge
Design: Herbert Leupin
Posting date: 1941
Solange mache Tiere wie müll behandelt werden, braucht es uns. 20 Jahre Tier im Recht
Photo: Carioca Studios
Design: Ruf Lanz Werbeagentur AG / Danielle Lanz, Markus Ruf, Isabelle Hauser
Posting date: 2016
Fureur de lire - Genève
Design: Superposition, Agence créative communication visuelle
Posting date: 2019
Palliative Care - Leben bis zuletzt - Stadthaus Zürich
Design: Vegalo GmbH / Joseph Pisani
Posting date: 2013
Jlco - der Qualitäts-Schuh
Design: Emil Cardinaux
Posting date: 1927
Rüssel weg vom Brot der Alten! Städt. Versicherungsstatut: Ja
Design: René Gilsi
Posting date: 1944
Nur Tiere dürfen bei Tierquälerei wegschauen – Bitte unterstützen Sie tierfreundliche Gesetze – Tier im Recht
Design: Ruf Lanz Werbeagentur AG / Danielle Lanz, Markus Ruf, Isabelle Hauser 
Posting date: 2020
Auch kleine Kunden schnuppern gern bei uns – Migros City
Design: Zogg. Kettiger. Gasser. Werbeagentur AG
Photo: Ernst Voller
Posting date: 1992
Soll Basel 30 Jahre zurückkrebsen? Museumsbau Ja
Design: Niklaus Stoecklin
Posting date: 1932
Mehrspur – Musikklub für Konzerte von Pop bis Jazz und Parties
Design: Benjamin Burger, Adrien Moreillon
Posting date: 2014
Non à la destruction des Bains des Pâquis
Design: Exem
posting date: 1988
Die Katze auf dem heissen Blechdach – Tennessee Williams – Theater Biel Solothurn
Design: Atelier Bundi AG / Stephan Bundi
Posting date: 2012
ISC Januar
Design: Hausgrafik / Urs Althaus
Posting date: 2000
Das Lachen – nach dem gleichnamigen Essay des französischen Philosophen Henri Bergson
Design: Niklaus Troxler
Posting date: 1993


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